KEN ROBOTECH CORPORATION starts development and demonstration of "labor-saving and manpower-saving solutions" using the Center of Garage.建ロボテック社とセンターオブガレージを活用した「省力化・省人化ソリューション」の開発実証を開始
TOMOROBO© is a collaborative robot that “works alongside people.” “REBAR TYING TOMOROBO©” is used for rebar tying work.They offer a wide range of products that increase productivity and reduce burden on workers.
Glocalink Co., Ltd. and KEN ROBOTECH CORPORATION have started a development and demonstration of “labor-saving and manpower-saving solutions” using the Center of Garage.
KEN ROBOTECH’s mission is “Creating the World’s Most Human-Friendly Worksite”. We offer original labor-saving solutions that will really “increase productivity of construction sites” and “reduce the burden on workers,” such as the collaborative robot “TOMOROBO© series”, “SOKUTETSU” and so on. We strive to contribute to the sound evolution and development of the construction industry with “practical solutions to real on-site problems.”
Based on the robot-related technologies and remote control systems cultivated through the development of “TOMOROBO”, KEN ROBOTECH will promote collaboration with business companies to develop new labor- and manpower-saving solutions (until December 31, 2022).
Glocalink will provide support to KEN ROBOTECH in a variety of ways, including assisting in the formulation of the plan, providing a site and other environmental arrangements, calling for cooperation in the demonstration, and providing feedback on the demonstration, to ensure that the technology developed by the COG will be implemented through the development of new services.
As a social implementation center for R&D startups, COG will continue to create an environment for the implementation of startup technology and collaboration between companies to create opportunities for socially implemented technology to emerge from here.

株式会社グローカリンク(本社:東京都墨田区、代表取締役社長 大坂 吉伸、以下「グローカリンク」)は、センターオブガレージ(以下「COG」)の入居企業である建ロボテック株式会社(本社:香川県木田郡、代表取締役:眞部 達也、以下「建ロボテック社」)とCOGを活用した新たな「省力化・省人化ソリューション」の開発実証を開始しました。
代表:眞部 達也
代表:大坂 吉伸
住所:東京都墨田区横川1-16-3 センターオブガレージ
株式会社グローカリンク 担当:高木
Tel:050-1746-2770 Mail:[email protected]