Exchange meeting with 20 companies of the Philippines!フィリピン企業20社との交流会実施!!
Today, 38 people from 20 local companies (half from manufacturing, half from IT/Game/Animation) and officials from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), led by the Philippine Embassy in Japan, visited the COG.s
The purpose of the visit was to inspect knowledge manufacturing platform of Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. and to discuss business collaboration between the Philippines and Japan.
Starting with an explanation of Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. and COG, resident companies Challenergy Inc. and Innoqua Inc., Hamano products Co., Ltd. took passionately pitch about their activities. The Filipinos were deeply interested in the activities of these companies, which are trying to solve problems with unique ideas and technologies, and had no end of questions, exceeding the scheduled time for the reception by a long shot.
It seems that business negotiations with several companies have started immediately.
Our COG will continue to expand COG’s overseas network to support the overseas expansion of our resident companies!
本日、在日フィリピン大使館の引率で貿易産業省(DTI、日本の経産省に該当)職員と現地企業20社38名(半数が製造業, 半数がIT/Game/Animation)がCOGを訪れました!!訪問の目的は、リバネスの知識製造プラットフォームを視察し、フィリピンと日本の事業連携を検討することです。